Israel Executive
Your Career...
Recruiting Olim?
Looking to fill a position in your company with the top Olim in the marketplace? Fill out our application below or email us at
We provide solutions in several types of employment relationships
Long-term & Short-term Projects
Direct Placement
We can place candidates throughout the entire vertical spectrum from junior to VP and Director.
We provide value added services to our entire network of employers
Throughly qualify all candiates prior to sending them to a company
Pre-screening interviews
Confirm work visa status
Take references on all candidates
Accompany each employer throughout the hiring process
Advise employers on salary and employment terms
If you have a vacancy that you wish to fill, complete the following form and one of our recruiters will contact you shortly.
Cindy, Partner - Law firm, Ramat Gan: After beginning to work with Israel Executive, we have found them to be highly professional and responsive to our needs. They have provided excellent candidates, and we have had great success with the professionals we have hired through the company. After many years of trying to recruit on our own, there is no comparison to having someone screen qualified candidates.